9.3. Memento

  • EN: Memento

  • PL: Pamiątka

  • Type: object

The Memento design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows an object to save and restore its previous state. This is useful when you need to provide some sort of undo functionality in your application.

In Python, we can implement the Memento pattern using classes. Here's a simple example:

First, we define a Memento class that will hold the state of the Originator:

>>> class Memento:
...     def __init__(self, state):
...         self._state = state
...     def get_saved_state(self):
...         return self._state

Then, we define an Originator class that has a state and creates a memento object to save its state:

>>> class Originator:
...     _state = ""
...     def set(self, state):
...         print(f"Originator: Setting state to {state}")
...         self._state = state
...     def save_to_memento(self):
...         print("Originator: Saving to Memento.")
...         return Memento(self._state)
...     def restore_from_memento(self, memento):
...         self._state = memento.get_saved_state()
...         print(f"Originator: State after restoring from Memento: {self._state}")

Next, we define a Caretaker class that keeps track of multiple mementos:

>>> class Caretaker:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self._saved_states = []
...     def add_memento(self, memento):
...         self._saved_states.append(memento)
...     def get_memento(self, index):
...         return self._saved_states[index]

Finally, we can use the Originator, Memento, and Caretaker classes like this:

>>> caretaker = Caretaker()
>>> originator = Originator()
>>> originator.set("State1")
Originator: Setting state to State1
>>> originator.set("State2")
Originator: Setting state to State2
>>> caretaker.add_memento(originator.save_to_memento())
Originator: Saving to Memento.
>>> originator.set("State3")
Originator: Setting state to State3
>>> caretaker.add_memento(originator.save_to_memento())
Originator: Saving to Memento.
>>> originator.set("State4")
Originator: Setting state to State4
>>> originator.restore_from_memento(caretaker.get_memento(0))
Originator: State after restoring from Memento: State2
>>> originator.restore_from_memento(caretaker.get_memento(1))
Originator: State after restoring from Memento: State3

In this example, the Originator sets and changes its state. It can also create a Memento that represents its current state. The Caretaker can keep track of these mementos and restore the Originator to its previous states.

9.3.1. Pattern

  • Undo operation

  • Remembering state of objects


class Originator {
    - content: str
    + create_state()
    + restore_state(state)

class Memento {
    - content: str

class Caretaker {
    - states: list[Memento]
    + push(state)
    + pop()

Memento -down[plain]-* Caretaker : composition
Originator -right[dashed]-> Memento : dependency


9.3.2. Problem


class Editor {
    - content: str
    + create_state()
    + restore_state(state)

class EditorState {
    - content: str

class History {
    - states: list[EditorState]
    + push(state)
    + pop()

EditorState -down[plain]-* History : composition
Editor -right[dashed]-> EditorState : dependency


9.3.3. Solution


from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class EditorState:
    content: str

class History:
    states: list[EditorState] = field(default_factory=list)

    def push(self, state: EditorState) -> None:

    def pop(self) -> EditorState:
        return self.states.pop()

class Editor:
    content: str

    def set_content(self, content: str) -> None:
        self.content = content

    def get_content(self) -> str:
        return self.content

    def create_state(self):
        return EditorState(self.content)

    def restore_state(self, state: EditorState):
        self.content = state.content

if __name__ == '__main__':
    editor = Editor()
    history = History()

    # a

    # b

    # c

    # b

9.3.4. Assignments

Code 9.24. Solution
* Assignment: DesignPatterns Behavioral Memento
* Complexity: medium
* Lines of code: 29 lines
* Time: 13 min

    1. Implement Memento pattern
    2. Create account history of transactions with:
        a. `when: datetime` - date and time of a transaction
        b. `amount: float` - transaction amount
    3. Allow for transaction undo
    4. Run doctests - all must succeed

    1. Zaimplementuj wzorzec Memento
    2. Stwórz historię transakcji na koncie z:
        a. `when: datetime` - data i czas transakcji
        b: `amount: float` - kwota transakcji
    3. Pozwól na wycofywanie (undo) transakcji
    4. Uruchom doctesty - wszystkie muszą się powieść

    >>> account = Account()

    >>> account.deposit(100.00)
    >>> account.balance

    >>> account.deposit(50.00)
    >>> account.balance

    >>> account.deposit(25.00)
    >>> account.balance

    >>> account.undo()
    >>> account.balance

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Final

class Account:
    balance: float = 0.0

    def deposit(self, amount: float) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def undo(self):
        raise NotImplementedError