4.11. Series Sort

4.11.1. SetUp

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> s = pd.Series(
...     data = [99.9, 3.14, -5.99, 0.0, 77.1],
...     index = [0, 99, 6, -4, 2])
>>> s
 0     99.90
 99     3.14
 6     -5.99
-4      0.00
 2     77.10
dtype: float64

4.11.2. Sort Values

  • Series.sort_values(ascending=True) - Sorts the values of the Series in ascending order.

>>> s.sort_values()
 6     -5.99
-4      0.00
 99     3.14
 2     77.10
 0     99.90
dtype: float64
>>> s.sort_values(ascending=False)
 0     99.90
 2     77.10
 99     3.14
-4      0.00
 6     -5.99
dtype: float64

4.11.3. Sort Index

  • Series.sort_index(ascending=True) - Sorts the index of the Series in ascending order.

>>> s.sort_index()
-4      0.00
 0     99.90
 2     77.10
 6     -5.99
 99     3.14
dtype: float64
>>> s.sort_index(ascending=False)
 99     3.14
 6     -5.99
 2     77.10
 0     99.90
-4      0.00
dtype: float64